Precipitation Intensity
Radar Precipitation Intensity | Precipitation mm/h | Weather Phenomenon |
< 0.031 | <0.0606 | No rain/snow |
0.031~0.25 | 0.0606~0.8989 | Light rain/snow |
0.25~0.35 | 0.8989~2.8700 | Moderate rain/snow |
0.35~0.48 | 2.8700~12.8638 | Heavy rain/snow |
>=0.48 | >=12.8638 | Violent rain/snow |
The determination of rain or snow phase uses SKYCON, with RAIN indicating rain and SNOW indicating snow, see Weather Phenomenon for details.
The API returns radar precipitation intensity by default. If precipitation volume is needed, add the parameter unit=metric:v2
to the API URL, see API Unit Conversion for details.